Dr. Benjamin (Ben) Bolker

I’m a professor in the departments of Mathematics & Statistics and of Biology at McMaster University. My interests range widely in spatial, theoretical, mathematical, computational and statistical ecology, evolution and epidemiology; plant community, ecosystem, and epidemic dynamics; and whatever else takes my fancy. I run the mac-theobio research group jointly with Jonathan Dushoff and David Earn.

<– I am currently Director of the School of Computational Science and Engineering and Acting Associate Chair (Graduate) for Mathematics. –>

My schedule for the current semester.


Contact information:

314 Hamilton Hall
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1
(905) 525-9140 x23320
GPG public key
(fingerprint: 688D 48D3 345F 3A7B 81A0
3287 E095 E584 5B97 1507)

Alternate location/phone: LSB 339, x???

Contact preferences: {e-mail, Zoom, Zulip} > {Skype, MS Teams, Google meet/chat} > Slack > { Telegram, Discord, WeChat, …} > telephone

COVID location: home, of course. http://tinyurl.com/bmbzoom